
This author was Keeper of the Robes to Queen Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this author of The Wanderer and the sentimental novel Evelina.
ANSWER: Fanny Burney [or Frances Burney; or Madame d’Arblay]
[10h] This other British author with the first name “Fanny,” who wrote the plays Francis the First and The Star of Seville, was better known as an actress. Her time in the US inspired her abolitionist Journal of a Residence on a Georgian Plantation in 1838–1839.
ANSWER: Fanny Kemble [or Frances Anne Kemble]
[10e] An author named Fanny with this surname wrote the travel book Domestic Manners of the Americans; her son with this surname wrote the Chronicles of Barsetshire.
ANSWER: Trollope [accept Anthony Trollope; accept Fanny Trollope or Frances Milton Trollope]
<British Literature>

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Harvard AMinnesota A001010
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Yale BFlorida A001010
Georgia Tech APenn State A1001020
Rutgers AMaryland A1001020
Rutgers BTexas A001010