2023 ACF Nationals

Round 7: Northwestern A vs. Stanford A

Northwestern A


Nikhil Chellam115
Sharath Narayan000
Andrew Salij01-5
Chris Sims3030
4 bonuses for 60 points (15 PPB)

Stanford A


Natan Holtzman8080
Eric Wolfsberg3030
Tim Morrison3030
Andrew Zeng1010
15 bonuses for 300 points (20 PPB)

Nikhil ChellamSharath NarayanAndrew SalijChris SimsBonusesTotalTUNatan HoltzmanEric WolfsbergTim MorrisonAndrew ZengBonusesTotal
0110 99100020
0210 231001050
0310 1011010080
0410 97101010120
0510 96101010160
-5 37-5610 1561000180
-5710 770010200
-5 106-10810 14401010230
-10910 1010100250
10 10600101010250
10 113100104011250
401210 150101010290
10 93101007013290
10 9410009014290
901510 64101010330
901610 8401010360
0 13090170 130360
901810 761010390
901910 1090010410
902010 98101010450
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text