2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 4: Boston University B vs. Brandeis D

Brandeis D


Christopher Dech150150
15 bonuses for 140 points (9.33 PPB)

Boston University B


Hanson Huynh1010
Ohm Patel115
Cindy Zhou2020
4 bonuses for 50 points (12.5 PPB)

Christopher DechBonusesTotalTUHanson HuynhOhm PatelCindy ZhouBonusesTotal
10 10601002010
10 10300104020
10 1120005030
10 11701007040
10 4410009050
10 7610101013060
130710 74001020
10 1480100150820
10 12101001701020
1701110 1101010050
10 14001001901250
10 13701002101350
2101410 126010070
10 13700022015-5 7465
10 12301002401665
0 1242401710 124001085
10 7700102601885
10 11500102801985
10 1060002902085
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text