
A project commissioned by this family is analyzed at length as a “double paradox” of congestion and space in Rem Koolhaas’s “retroactive manifesto” Delirious New York. Brasilia’s open spaces inspired a member of this family to order an unpopular complex of five International Style towers and an egg-shaped theater. Wallace Harrison’s designs for this family include a Robert Moses-era travertine venue with a facade of five tall arches. Paul Manship’s bronze Prometheus (-5[1])sits in an Art Deco (10[1])complex built (10[1])by this family (10[1])with (10[1])rooftop green spaces like the Garden of the Nations. Members of this family financed the building of the Lincoln Center and a skyscraper once decorated with Diego Rivera’s mural Man at the Crossroads. (10[1])For 10 points, NBC is based (10[1])in number (10[1])30 at what family’s (10[1])“center?” (10[1])■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: Rockefeller [accept Rockefeller Center, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, or Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller Empire State Plaza]
<Other Fine Arts>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Jem BurchYale BBoston University A71-5
Matthew SiffYale ABrandeises Brew7610
Andrew MessersmithA Brandeis SupremeAmherst A7810
Dylan TanouyeTufts BMIT A8110
Jack FeinbergCarabrandeisHarvard A8210
ChrisDiamond BrandeisBU B11510
Armand ErbanClark ABowdoin A12110
Marc GrecoWilliams ABowdoin B12310
Andres CordobaYale CBrown A12710
Julia AppelTufts ANortheastern A12810
Jaehyun ParkBoston University AYale B12910