
After a tutti chord, the soloist opens a concerto by this composer with a rapid descending triplet theme followed (-5[1])by the notes “eighth note E, half note F, eighth note E,” which then repeat down an octave. (-5[1])Auguste Tolbecque (“tol-BEK”) is the dedicatee of that A minor cello concerto by this composer, unusually written in one movement. The descending notes “G, F-sharp, B” begin a 6/4 piece by this composer that Michel Fokine choreographed (-5[1])for Anna Pavlova. A xylophone quotes the song “Ah! Vous dirai-je, Maman” (-5[2])(“AH! voo di-RAYZH, muh-MON”) in a piece by this composer, which features a glass harmonium in a movement that depicts an underwater (10[1])scene. (10[1])Two pianos accompany a solo cello to depict the title bird gliding across the water in this composer’s movement “The Swan.” For 10 points, (10[2])name this French composer of Carnival of the Animals. (10[1])■END■ (10[2]0[2])

ANSWER: Camille Saint-Saëns [or Charles-Camille Saint-Saëns]
<Classical Music>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Ryan LeeBrown AYale C18-5
Rohan GaneshanHarvard ACarabrandeis36-5
Dylan TanouyeTufts BMIT A72-5
Matthew SiffYale ABrandeises Brew84-5
Lukas KoutsoukosYale BBoston University A84-5
Yrwin BatanMIT ATufts B10210
Nate KodamaBowdoin BWilliams A10310
Yvonne PanAmherst AA Brandeis Supreme12710
Kevin ZhengYale CBrown A12710
Julia AppelTufts ANortheastern A13610
Richard LimBowdoin AClark A13710
ChrisDiamond BrandeisBU B13710
Max WoodBrandeises BrewYale A1370
Eren MicheletBoston University AYale B1370