
After a tutti chord, the soloist opens a concerto by this composer with a rapid descending triplet theme followed by the notes “eighth note E, half note F, eighth note E,” which then repeat down an octave. Auguste Tolbecque (“tol-BEK”) is the dedicatee of that A minor cello concerto by this composer, unusually written in one movement. The descending notes “G, F-sharp, B” begin a 6/4 piece (10[1])by this composer that Michel Fokine choreographed (10[1])for Anna (10[1])Pavlova. (10[1])A xylophone quotes the song “Ah! Vous dirai-je, Maman” (-5[1])(“AH! voo di-RAYZH, muh-MON”) in a piece (10[1])by this composer, which features a glass harmonium (10[1])in a movement that depicts an underwater scene. Two pianos accompany a solo cello to depict the title bird gliding across the water in this composer’s movement “The Swan.” For 10 points, name this French composer of Carnival of the Animals. ■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: Camille Saint-Saëns [or Charles-Camille Saint-Saëns]
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Charles YoungColumbia ARutgers A6510
Ivonne ZhouPenn ALehigh A7210
Sinecio MoralesJohns Hopkins APenn State B7410
Chauncey LoColumbia BHopkins B7510
Srikar VenkatesanPenn BHaverford A84-5
Teigue KellyPenn State ARutgers C8710
Austin GuoPrinceton ABard A9510
Ethan FurmanHaverford APenn B13710