
These things are the subject of a “sphere” used in modified form for Johannes Itten’s Preliminary Course at the Bauhaus and designed by Philipp Otto Runge (“ROON-guh”). J. (10[1])M. W. Turner referenced an iconoclastic book about these things in the title of a painting that depicts the morning after the biblical flood. A triangle with nine segments that demonstrate these things is often named for Goethe (“GUR-tuh”), who used symbolic labels like “unnecessary” in his Theory of them. Charles Blanc’s theories about these things “mixing” in the eye inspired Paul Signac (“seen-YAHK”) and (10[1])Georges Seurat (10[1])to develop Pointillism. (10[1])Harlequins (10[1])and (10[1])sad, lonely subjects respectively characterize two Picasso periods named for (10[1])these things. (10[2])For 10 points, name this painting element described by value, saturation, and hue. (10[1])■END■

ANSWER: colors [accept shades of color, pigments, color mixing, or color theory; accept Theory of Colors or Zur Farbenlehre; accept color sphere or Farbenkreis; accept blue and rose; prompt on light or optics] (The Turner painting is Light and Colour (Goethe’s Theory) – The Morning after the Deluge – Moses Writing the Book of Genesis.)
<Visual Fine Arts>
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