2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 4: Boston University A vs. Yale B

Yale B


Lukas Koutsoukos5145
Peter Nelson4040
Jem Burch6155
15 bonuses for 240 points (16 PPB)

Boston University A


Jaise King000
Graham Close01-5
Eren Michelet115
Jaehyun Park3125
4 bonuses for 50 points (12.5 PPB)

Lukas KoutsoukosPeter NelsonJem BurchBonusesTotalTUJaise KingGraham CloseEren MicheletJaehyun ParkBonusesTotal
10 1290100201-5 71-5
10 1271000402-5
10 11210100703-5 82-10
10 811000904-10
10 81101001205-10
10 83100101506-10
10 61010101807-10
10 106010102108-10
10 116101002409-5 41-15
2401010 9101005
10 8801010270115
10 660100290125
-5 84285130 1375
2851410 16100025
10 11501003051525
3051610 941001055
10 124101003351755
10 9100103551855
-5 713501910 129001075
10 100010103802075
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text