2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 4: Brandeis B vs. Yale A

Yale A


William Orr3220
Matthew Siff9280
Yixi Yang2020
14 bonuses for 300 points (21.43 PPB)

Brandeis B


William Barash3030
Max Wood2020
5 bonuses for 40 points (8 PPB)

William OrrMatthew SiffYixi YangBonusesTotalTUWilliam BarashMax WoodBonusesTotal
10 119101003010
10 581010107020
10 761010010030
-5 8195410 125010020
10 81101010135520
0 113135610 113010040
10 38101010175740
-5 80170810 148010060
10 98101010210960
10 108101002401060
10 88101002701160
10 10201002901260
-5 84285130 13760
-5 542801410 126100080
2801510 8600090
10 74100103101690
10 1041010103501790
10 5400103701890
10 7600103901990
10 31010104202090
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text