2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 4: Brandeis C vs. Harvard A

Harvard A


Max Neal120
Rohan Ganeshan7165
Sohum Sukhatankar15-15
Chloe Chow2020
11 bonuses for 190 points (17.27 PPB)

Brandeis C


Jack Yesner1010
Jack Feinberg3030
Kaitlyn Farrin2020
Lily Fasciano000
6 bonuses for 60 points (10 PPB)

Max NealRohan GaneshanSohum SukhatankarChloe ChowBonusesTotalTUJack YesnerJack FeinbergKaitlyn FarrinLily FascianoBonusesTotal
10 73101003010
10 100100106020
-5 6655310 112100020
-5 3750410 125010040
10 78100070540
10 65010090640
-5 3085710 121001060
10 9001010115860
-5 51110960
10 94010101401060
-5 611351110 126010080
10 621010101751280
-5 361701380
10 9101001901480
10 3801002101580
-5 642051680
10 96100102351780
10 52101002651880
2651910 820010100
-5 662602010 1060010120
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text