2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 4: Brandeis A vs. Amherst A

Amherst A


Michael Zheng000
Richard Lin10195
Kevin Hoff1010
Yvonne Pan115
12 bonuses for 200 points (16.67 PPB)

Brandeis A


Andrew Messersmith2020
Jonathan Schnipper4040
Kayla Drajpuch01-5
Khumoyun Bakhtiyarov1010
7 bonuses for 100 points (14.29 PPB)

Michael ZhengRichard LinKevin HoffYvonne PanBonusesTotalTUAndrew MessersmithJonathan SchnipperKayla DrajpuchKhumoyun BakhtiyarovBonusesTotal
10 10601002010
20210 741001030
10 112100040330
10 901010070430
70510 811010060
70610 73010080
-5 9065710 1210010100
10 900100858100
10 106001010510100
10 1061010013511100
10 671010016512100
10 1270101019513100
-5 161901410 1260100120
10 1361001022015120
10 1281010025016-5 91115
2501710 6910010145
10 541001028018145
2801910 780010165
10 1021001031020165
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text