2024 ACF Winter at Oxford

Round 5: Cambridge D vs. Warwick A

Cambridge D


Percy Yuen4135
Ben Atchison000
Alessandro d'Attanasio5050
Piers Marchant2020
11 bonuses for 120 points (10.91 PPB)

Warwick A


Adsayan Ganesh3125
Lucas Johns2115
Odysseas Gabrielatos1010
Chris Levesley2020
8 bonuses for 90 points (11.25 PPB)

Percy YuenBen AtchisonAlessandro d'AttanasioPiers MarchantBonusesTotalTUAdsayan GaneshLucas JohnsOdysseas GabrielatosChris LevesleyBonusesTotal
10 11401002010
10 6300104020
40310 59100020
10 1190100604-5 10715
60510 78100035
10 97010080635
10 610010100735
10 900100120835
0 1161209-5 8230
1201010 9100040
1201110 8910101080
1201210 12301010110
10 68010014013110
10 121010016014110
1601510 861000130
10 73010018016130
-5 891751710 124000140
1751810 291000160
10 112001019519160
10 901010022520160
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text