
This man supposedly demonstrated his loyalty to a Democratic-Republican government by banning the Federalist-favored pigtail hairstyle. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this “agent 13” who spied for Spain while Senior Officer of the US Army. This man received a “cipher letter” from another politician as part of their conspiracy to form an independent state in the Southwestern US.
ANSWER: James Wilkinson
[10e] This co-conspirator of James Wilkinson requested British aid to help him independently conquer Spanish territories. While serving as vice president, this man killed Alexander Hamilton during a duel.
ANSWER: Aaron Burr [or Aaron Burr, Jr.]
[10m] Wilkinson illegally negotiated trade concessions for a territory in this modern-day state with the Spanish. This state’s territory was settled via the Wilderness Road.
ANSWER: Kentucky [or Commonwealth of Kentucky or KY; accept Kentucky County or Kentucke County; accept district of Kentucky]
<American History>

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Southampton AWarwick B010010
VanderbiltDurham B010010