
Extensive form can represent these constructs, which are singletons for non-Bayesian models. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this construct describing the group of all decision nodes that are indistinguishable from each other for a given player. On trees, this construct is represented by a dotted line that connects multiple nodes.
ANSWER: information set
[10e] Information sets are relevant in this branch of mathematics and economics that uses payoff matrices to derive Nash equilibria. Thought experiments in this field include the Stag Hunt and the Prisoner’s Dilemma.
ANSWER: game theory
[10m] The game-theory concept of best-response functions is used in the Cournot model of this situation, in which firms compete based on quantity. The Bertrand model of this situation assumes firms compete on price.
ANSWER: oligopoly [accept duopoly]
<Social Science>

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Southampton AWarwick B010010
VanderbiltDurham B010010