2024 ACF Winter at Oxford

Round 5: Bristol A vs. Oxford A

Oxford A


Delia Cropper2115
Eveline Ong2115
Omer Keskin7070
Ved Muthusamy3220
14 bonuses for 310 points (22.14 PPB)

Bristol A


Kevin Flanagan1010
Lewys Jenkins2115
Rick Line1010
Ted Warner2020
6 bonuses for 110 points (18.33 PPB)

Delia CropperEveline OngOmer KeskinVed MuthusamyBonusesTotalTUKevin FlanaganLewys JenkinsRick LineTed WarnerBonusesTotal
10 441010104010
10 141100107020
10 7710101011030
-5 63105410 6410101040
10 7510100135540
135610 461010070
10 60101010175770
175810 37010090
10 9801010205990
10 70101002351090
10 1251010026511-5 6385
10 10201002851285
10 5801003051385
-5 223001410 1021000105
10 4210101034015105
10 341001037016105
-5 1043651710 1141000125
10 7110101040518125
10 1150101043519125
-5 634302010 95101010165
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text