2024 ACF Winter at Oxford

Round 5: Cambridge A vs. Imperial B

Cambridge A


Oscar Despard4040
Seraphina Charlotte5240
Agnijo Banerjee4040
Brendan Bethlehem3030
16 bonuses for 290 points (18.13 PPB)

Imperial B


Joseph Collins3030
Gus Redding000
Charlie Lowman1010
4 bonuses for 40 points (10 PPB)

Oscar DespardSeraphina CharlotteAgnijo BanerjeeBrendan BethlehemBonusesTotalTUJoseph CollinsGus ReddingCharlie LowmanBonusesTotal
10 83101003010
10 142100106020
10 60101009030
10 801010012040
120510 67100020
10 820100140620
10 4710010170720
10 1100100190820
10 9801010220920
10 751010102601020
10 7701002801120
10 102010103101220
-5 303051310 137010040
10 16100103351440
10 105010103651540
10 63100103951640
-5 883901710 107100060
10 4200104101860
4101910 128001080
10 61010104402080
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text