2024 ACF Winter at Oxford

Round 5: Cambridge B vs. Durham A

Cambridge B


Andrei Hui6060
Ben LaFond3030
Linus Luu3125
Rachel Bentham2020
14 bonuses for 270 points (19.29 PPB)

Durham A


Aisling Skeet235
Bella Thomas1010
Hamish Campbell115
Tom Haines2115
6 bonuses for 80 points (13.33 PPB)

Andrei HuiBen LaFondLinus LuuRachel BenthamBonusesTotalTUAisling SkeetBella ThomasHamish CampbellTom HainesBonusesTotal
10 12910100301-5 77-5
30210 741001025
-5 5925310 111100045
10 12410100554-5 9540
10 621010085540
85610 98010060
10 98101010125760
10 1100100145860
10 1161010101859-5 3155
10 251010102251055
10 10501002451155
10 98010102751255
2751310 89010075
10 126100029514-5 9370
2951510 8201010100
2951610 680010120
10 12410010325170 124120
10 13001034518120
10 1290101037519-5 109115
10 830101040520115
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text