2024 ACF Nationals

Round 6: South Carolina A vs. Texas A

South Carolina A


Khushi Umarwadia1010
Sean Jackson000
Jack Oberman115
Robert Freeman2115
4 bonuses for 30 points (7.5 PPB)

Texas A


Jisoo Yoo4230
Ryan Humphrey1010
Athena Shadden1010
Chinmay Murthy5050
11 bonuses for 120 points (10.91 PPB)

Khushi UmarwadiaSean JacksonJack ObermanRobert FreemanBonusesTotalTUJisoo YooRyan HumphreyAthena ShaddenChinmay MurthyBonusesTotal
0 137010 1370
0210 9500010
0310 118001030
-5 74-5410 14610101070
-5 132-10510 132010090
10 1500000690
0710 1060010110
0 133080 133110
0910 1330010130
01010 1240100150
10 131101003012-5 105145
10 1440004013145
401410 1350010165
10 15510006016-5 139160
0 14760170 147160
601810 441000180
601910 1321000200
0 123602010 1230010220
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text