
Immigration to Australia from this colony ignited a 1916 debate that led the “children of Billy Hughes” to be briefly deported to New Caledonia. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this island country that was a British Crown colony from 1813 to 1964. It was earlier ruled by the Knights Hospitaller.
ANSWER: Malta [accept Republic of Malta or Repubblika ta’ Malta or Repubblica di Malta; accept Crown Colony of Malta, Crown Colony of the Island of Malta and its Dependencies, Kolonja tal-Gżira ta’ Malta u l-Gżejjer li jagħmlu Magħha, or Colonia dell’Isola di Malta e sue Dipendenze; accept William “Maltese” Hughes]
[10h] Specific term required. In 1930, Westminster suspended this two-word status in Malta over fascist suspicions. Charles Coghlan (“COG-lin”) stoked anti-Afrikaner sentiment in Southern Rhodesia to win this precursor of dominion status, which the Cape Colony achieved in 1872.
ANSWER: responsible government [or responsible self-government; or word forms like responsibly governed; accept Responsible Government Association; prompt on representative government, self-government, self-governing, constitutionalism, autonomy, or autonomous; prompt on RGA by asking “what does that stand for?”; reject “independence”]
[10m] Since few Māori could vote under responsible government, many joined a movement for autonomy with this name. New Zealand became a dominion after the tenure of Richard Seddon, who got this nickname for policies like annexing Niue (“NEW-ay”).
ANSWER: king [or kīngi; accept Māori King Movement or Kīngitanga; accept “King Dick” or “Kīngi Tiki”; prompt on Dick by asking “preceded by what word?”] (The Cook Islanders’ ariki council petitioned to incorporate Niue during the islands’ annexation by Seddon.)
<Other History>

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