2024 ACF Nationals

Round 1: Toronto A vs. Virginia A

Virginia A


Brian Lai000
Luke Schaarschuch01-5
Kenny Zhang000
Joseph Chambers4325
4 bonuses for 50 points (12.5 PPB)

Toronto A


Kunaal Chandrashekar000
Sky Li110110
Raymond Chen000
Wenying Wu2020
13 bonuses for 140 points (10.77 PPB)

Brian LaiLuke SchaarschuchKenny ZhangJoseph ChambersBonusesTotalTUKunaal ChandrashekarSky LiRaymond ChenWenying WuBonusesTotal
-5 115-5110 138010020
-5210 9900030
-5310 120100050
-5410 89010070
-5510 99001090
-5 105-10610 1410010110
-10710 8810100140
-10810 1000100160
-5 68-15910 1521000180
10 1100010510180
51110 1060100200
-5 108012200
10 12901002013200
201410 1370010220
10 39100105016220
501810 10510010250
501910 1480010270
10 12810007020270
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text