
Original-language term required. A royal inscription denoted “XPh” is nicknamed for these beings and enigmatically boasts of destroying their dānā, or sanctuary. An 8th-century text (-5[1])argues against interfaith marriage because xwedōdah (“kweh-DOH-dah”) weakens these beings, whom Mary Boyce argued were originally gods of specific war bands. (-5[1])A text detailing “Rules for Keeping Away” these beings, (-5[1])like one called “the Long-Handed,” (10[1])requires anyone who kills an otter to hunt thousands of vermin to atone. Because one of these beings called Nasu hates dogs, dogs watch over corpses in the sagdīd (“sahg-DEED”) ritual. These beings, which are repelled by the mantra “truth is the best of all good,” (10[1])personify the concept of druj (-5[2])(“drooj”). The Fravarānē (“frah-vah-RAH-neh”) begins “I scorn” these beings, who oppose the yazatas (-5[2])in the Yasna. (10[2])For 10 points, name these (-5[1])demons that serve (-5[2])Ahriman (10[1])and (10[1])represent (10[1])evil and impurity in Zoroastrianism. (-5[1])■END■ (10[4]0[10])

ANSWER: daivas [or daevas or daēwa; accept divs, devs, dēw, yatu, jadu, or pairikas; prompt on druj or drugvant until “druj” is read by asking “what beings personify that concept?”] (The first line refers to Xerxes I’s “Daeva Inscription.” “Xwedōdah” refers to consanguineous marriages. The Vendidad calls otters “water dogs.”)
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2024 ACF Nationals2024-04-21Y2152%0%52%123.36


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
James McCurleyHarvardChicago B24-5
Quynh PhungPurdueStanford44-5
Quentin MotGeorgia TechCornell B53-5
Sinecio MoralesJohns HopkinsDuke5810
Matt JacksonChicago AArizona State10310
Urbas EkkaMinnesota BWUSTL A108-5
Joseph ChambersVirginiaToronto A108-5
Vincent DuNorth Carolina AFlorida119-5
Ben WismathToronto BNorth Carolina B119-5
Michal GerasimiukStanfordPurdue12210
Owen MimnoNYURutgers12210
Andrew MinagarYale ASouth Carolina127-5
Shiv SeshanChicago DColumbia B130-5
Vishal KanigicherlaPennVanderbilt130-5
Danila KabotyanskiIndianaIowa State13110
Gabrielle ClarkOttawaBrown13210
Nikhil ChellamNorthwesternYale B13310
Joel MilesMinnesota AMcGill138-5
Mattias EhatammWaterlooBerkeley A1390
Shahar SchwartzBerkeley AWaterloo1390
Albert ZhangColumbia BChicago D1390
Karthik PrasadCornell BGeorgia Tech1390
Robert CondronChicago BHarvard13910
Andrew WangIllinoisChicago C13910
Andrew KelleyKentuckyBerkeley B13910
Anuttam RamjiBerkeley BKentucky1390
Nadia DakdoukiMcGillMinnesota A1390
Annabelle YangWUSTL AMinnesota B13910
Ivvone ZhouNorth Carolina BToronto B1390
Ryan HumphreyTexasWUSTL B1390
Amith PunyalaWUSTL BTexas1390
Khushi UmarwadiaSouth CarolinaYale A1390