
The works of this author and the Bible were the two “indispensable” books of a poet who claimed that reading him could be one of the most “important threads among all the threads of your experiences.” For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this author of Niels Lyhne (“nils LOO-nuh”), whom Rainer Maria Rilke extravagantly praised in Letters to a Young Poet.
ANSWER: J. P. Jacobsen (“YOCK-up-sun”) [or Jens Peter Jacobsen]
[10e] Rilke’s two “masters” were Jacobsen (“YOCK-up-sun”) and an artist in this medium whom he served as a secretary in Paris. A work in this medium is the subject of a poem by him that ends “You must change your life.”
ANSWER: sculpture [or sculptors; accept marble sculpture or bronze sculpture; prompt on plastic art or three-dimensional art or 3D art] (Rilke served as Auguste Rodin’s secretary. The poem is “Archaic Torso of Apollo.”)
[10m] Rilke wrote the first drafts of this collection in a copy of Jacobsen’s Novellas. The line “I live my life in circles that grow wide / And endlessly unroll” begins this collection’s first section on “monastic life.”
ANSWER: The Book of Hours [or Das Stunden-Buch]
<European Literature>

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