
These people’s word for “farewell” titles a poetic lament that asks “who now shall refill the cup” and opens, (10[1])“Ah! like gold fall the leaves in the wind.” (10[1])A language spoken (10[1])by these people is called “over-pretty” and “semantically sentimental” and compared to Nevbosh and Naffarin in the essay “A Secret Vice.” The poem “Namárië” is in this people’s language, (10[1])for which the Tengwar script (10[1])was developed (10[1])by a master craftsman (10[1])whose father Finwë (-5[1])was (-5[1])the first of these people to be killed in Aman. (10[1])These people revered Varda the “star-kindler,” whose epithet is “Tintallë” in their Quenya language (10[4])and (10[2])“Gilthoniel” (10[1])in the related Sindarin. (10[1])After migrating to Valinor, (10[1])many of these people returned (10[1])with Fëanor to Beleriand to wrest three jewels back from Morgoth. For 10 points, Galadriel is a member (10[1])of what immortal race (10[1])in the writings of J. R. R. Tolkien? (10[1])■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: Elves [or Elf; accept Quendi or Eldar or High Elves; accept Noldor or Vanyar; prompt on descriptions of the people of Middle Earth or people from Tolkien’s legendarium]
<British Literature>
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2024 ACF Nationals2024-04-21Y22100%0%9%90.27


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
James McCurleyHarvardChicago B1810
Conor ThompsonIowa StateIndiana2710
Chinmay MurthyTexasWUSTL B3010
Mattias EhatammWaterlooBerkeley A5910
Ashish SubramanianDukeJohns Hopkins6410
Asha BasuMcGillMinnesota A6610
William FosterChicago DColumbia B7010
Ishan JoshiOttawaBrown73-5
Sanjay SrihariGeorgia TechCornell B74-5
Charles HangWUSTL AMinnesota B8410
Matt JacksonChicago AArizona State9810
Isaac MammelMarylandTruman State9810
Ben DahlPurdueStanford9810
Danny HanPennVanderbilt9810
Benjamin McAvoy-BickfordNorth Carolina AFlorida9910
Sky LiToronto AVirginia9910
Justin WytmarIllinoisChicago C10010
Ben WismathToronto BNorth Carolina B10410
Chris SimsNorthwesternYale B10810
Andrew KelleyKentuckyBerkeley B11310
Owen MimnoNYURutgers13110
Karsten RynearsonYale ASouth Carolina13510
Jason HongBrownOttawa14310
Karthik PrasadCornell BGeorgia Tech14410