2024 ACF Nationals

Round 1: Chicago B vs. Harvard A

Harvard A


Jeffrey Fung3030
Joy An115
James McCurley2210
Jake Greer3125
9 bonuses for 90 points (10 PPB)

Chicago B


Henry Cafaro4135
Robert Condron3125
John Marvin115
Connor Blake115
9 bonuses for 110 points (12.22 PPB)

Jeffrey FungJoy AnJames McCurleyJake GreerBonusesTotalTUHenry CafaroRobert CondronJohn MarvinConnor BlakeBonusesTotal
10 139000101-5 115-5
10 73000202-5
10 9910100503-5
504-5 100-10
10 180100705-10
-5 11465610 142001010
65710 12500020
10 111100085820
10 971000105920
-5 951001010 1521001050
1001110 88001070
-5 24951210 13901010100
-5 123901310 1340100120
901410 1560010140
901510 920010160
10 1281001012016-5 106155
12017-5 95150
10 105001014018150
1401910 7010010180
10 129010016020180
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text