2023 ACF Winter at Columbia

Round 11: Haverford A vs. Yale B

Haverford A


Audrey Cho013-5
Arjun Bothra02210
Ethan Furman02115
5 bonuses for 60 points (12 PPB)

Yale B


Andrew Minagar08080
Lukas Koutsoukos04135
12 bonuses for 210 points (17.5 PPB)

Audrey ChoArjun BothraEthan FurmanBonusesTotalTUAndrew MinagarLukas KoutsoukosBonusesTotal
-5 66-510 1250
-5210 830101030
-5310 76001050
-5 140-10410 1501010080
-10510 9401010110
-10610 9210010140
10 11110100207140
-5 10415810 13801010170
15910 106101010210
151010 4201010240
151110 1250010260
-5 7810120 134260
-5 9851310 1131000280
-5 111014280
01510 11710100310
10 14310002016-5 69305
10 11210004017305
401810 841000325
10 8010006019325
10 10510008020325
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text