
This city was divided into the Hill Complex, the Valley Complex, and the Great Enclosure for royal residence. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this medieval city founded by ancestors of the Shona people. Eight eagles carved from soapstone were discovered at this southern African city.
ANSWER: Great Zimbabwe [accept the Great Zimbabwe National Monument; do not accept or prompt on Zimbabwe]
[10h] Pottery shards from China found at Great Zimbabwe indicate that the city’s inhabitants may have traded with this city. A namesake sultanate named for this city was founded by Ali ibn al-Hassan Shirazi.
ANSWER: Kilwa [or Kilwa Island; or Kilwa Kisiwani; accept the Kilwa Sultanate]
[10e] Archaeologists damaged Great Zimbabwe while exploring their mines for this metal, one of the primary exports of the city. Medieval Trans-Saharan trade often involved the exchange of salt and this precious metal.
ANSWER: gold [or Au; or aurum; accept gold mines; accept gold coins or other good involving gold]
<World History>

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