In the traditional square of opposition, these things occur when diagonally related statements are both accepted. , Under Jay Garfield’s interpretation, the Catuṣkoṭi (“CHA-toosh-koh-tee”) of Nāgārjuna allows these things to be correct, which partially motivates Graham Priest’s dialetheism. Paraconsistent logics reject the idea that any statement can be derived from these things, an idea known as the principle of explosion. The three laws of thought are the law of identity, the law of the excluded middle, and a law concerning these things. Attesting the presence of one of these statements is the goal of a reductio ad absurdum. For 10 points, name these logical statements that simultaneously assert both a proposition and its negation. ■END■
Player | Team | Opponent | Buzz Position | Value |
Nathan Zhang | Cornell C | Rutgers A | 30 | 10 |
Forrest Weintraub | Columbia A | NYU A | 35 | 10 |
Jason Qin | Columbia B | Yale A | 58 | 10 |
Anirudh Bharadwaj | Penn A | Princeton A | 96 | -5 |
Arjun Bothra | Haverford | Yale B | 98 | -5 |
Carter McLean | Princeton A | Penn A | 113 | 10 |
Noah Dorn | Princeton B | NYU B | 113 | 10 |
Lukas Koutsoukos | Yale B | Haverford | 113 | 10 |