2023 ACF Winter at Columbia

Round 3: Rutgers B vs. Yale C

Yale C


Iyanu Nafiu0115
Yixi Yang06250
Bri Anderson0115
Peter Nelson0115
9 bonuses for 70 points (7.78 PPB)

Rutgers B


Simon Emmanuel04135
Jonathan Chen01010
Mark Tawfik03030
8 bonuses for 90 points (11.25 PPB)

Iyanu NafiuYixi YangBri AndersonPeter NelsonBonusesTotalTUSimon EmmanuelJonathan ChenMark TawfikBonusesTotal
0110 104100020
10 7000010220
10 94010030320
10 134010050420
-5 9645510 129001040
10 110001065640
-5 1266070 13140
60810 128010060
-5 1125590 14060
10 13210007510-5 6855
-5 8270110 11855
701210 135010075
701310 128001095
10 120000801495
10 87000901595
-5 76851610 1380100115
851710 991000135
10 133010010518135
1051910 13610100165
10 371001013520165
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text