
A society named for these constructs is founded on the “space of flows,” according to the first book of a trilogy by Manuel Castells (“kuh-STAILSS”). These constructs’ representations can be simplified to an individual in a process called translation. Michel Callon and Bruno Latour developed a theory of society based on actors and these constructs. (-5[1])Types of these constructs that follow an asymptotic power law are known as “scale-free.” (10[1])Non-reinforced links in these constructs were studied by (10[1])Mark (10[1])Granovetter (10[1])in the article “The Strength of Weak Ties.” (10[1])A dyad (10[1])represents the relationship between two individuals in these constructs. (10[1])Stanley Milgram’s small-world experiment estimated that there are “six degrees of separation” along these constructs. For 10 points, name these graphs showing the connections between people. ■END■ (10[2])

ANSWER: social networks [accept actor–network theory; accept scale-free networks; accept The Rise of the Network Society; prompt on graphs]
<Social Science>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Karsten RynearsonYale APenn A53-5
Richard NiuCornell CHaverford6710
Sam MacchiVassarPrinceton B7510
Lexi TermanRutgers ARowan A7610
Albert ZhangColumbia APenn B7710
Eshan PantNYU AYale B8510
Yixi YangYale CRutgers B8710
Jason QinColumbia BColumbia C9610
Danny HanPenn AYale A12310
Austin GuoPrinceton ANYU B12310


2023 ACF Winter @ Columbia11/11/2023Y9100%0%11%89.89