
A Robert E. Gould article published during this event prompted the “Say No to Cosmo” campaign. 111 protesters were arrested after disrupting Cardinal John O’Connor’s Mass about this event during the “Stop the Church” demonstration. A “CARE act” responding to this event was passed after Western Middle School refused to let Ryan White return to school. (10[3])The art collective (10[1])Gran Fury attacked (10[1])the lack of awareness regarding this event (10[1])with the (10[1])“SILENCE = DEATH” (10[1])poster. Government response to this event was documented in Randy Shilts’s book And the Band Played On. (10[1])A speech by playwright Larry Kramer about this event prompted the formation of the grassroots organization ACT UP. For 10 points, name this epidemic beginning in the 1980s that disproportionately affected gay men. ■END■

ANSWER: AIDS epidemic [accept the HIV epidemic; accept pandemic in place of “epidemic”; prompt on epidemics]
<American History>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Jack RadoColumbia BColumbia C5510
Anirudh BharadwajPenn AYale A5510
Arjun BothraHaverfordCornell C5510
Jacob Hardin-BernhardtNYU AYale B5810
William GrogerColumbia APenn B6110
Austin GuoPrinceton ANYU B6810
Yixi YangYale CRutgers B7010
Aiden DartleyRutgers ARowan A7310
Jupiter DingPrinceton BVassar9010


2023 ACF Winter @ Columbia11/11/2023Y9100%0%0%65.00