
In an essay, a translator of this novel describes visiting the apartment where it was written, which has now been turned into a bank. The narrator of this novel shares a short passage he wrote as a child on a carriage ride about the beauty of church steeples. Much of the book Essays Two focuses on Lydia Davis’s translation of this novel. (10[1])In the 1980s, Terrence Kilmartin updated C. K. Scott Moncrieff’s (10[1])translation of this novel, (10[1])which borrowed (10[1])its title from Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 30.” This novel begins “For a long time, (-5[1])I went to bed early.” (10[1])Vinteuil’s (“van-TUH-ee’s”) violin sonata serves as a motif for the relationship (10[1])between the narrator and Odette in this novel. For 10 points, a tea-soaked madeleine invokes the narrator’s involuntary memories of Combray in what magnum opus of Marcel Proust? ■END■ (10[2]0[1])

ANSWER: In Search of Lost Time [or Remembrance of Things Past; or À la recherche du temps perdu; accept Swann’s Way or The Way by Swann’s or Du côté de chez Swann as all clues apply to that volume]
<European Literature>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Tina MaoVassarPrinceton B6110
Andrew MinagarYale BNYU A7110
Richard NiuCornell CHaverford7510
Jake GrodnerPrinceton ANYU B7710
Karsten RynearsonYale APenn A90-5
William GrogerColumbia APenn B9510
Jack RadoColumbia BColumbia C10510
Alex MoonPenn AYale A1340
Yixi YangYale CRutgers B13410
Lexi TermanRutgers ARowan A13410


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