
This composer rewrote the Gloria of one mass after reusing the melody of a contredanse from the final love duet of an earlier similarly-titled oratorio. A dark trumpet fanfare introduces the Kyrie (“KEE-ree-ay”) of a mass by this composer titled for “troubled times.” A soft pizzicato note in one of this composer’s oratorios precedes a fortissimo C major chord on the word “light.” In a bass (-5[1])aria, this composer used a piccolo to depict a plowman whistling by quoting a melody from one of his symphonies consisting of the eighth notes [read slowly] “C, C, E, E, G, G, long E.” This composer of the oratorios The Seasons and (-5[1])The Creation wrote many masses while he was (10[1])the Kapellmeister for the Esterházy family. For 10 points, name this “father of the string quartet” who also wrote the “Farewell” and (10[1])“Surprise” (10[2]0[1])symphonies. ■END■

ANSWER: Franz Joseph Haydn
<Classical Music>
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Aryan PathakUF EUF B64-5
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Anna BarkerUCF AFlorida Tech B11510
Juan LandaetaFlorida State University AUF D13710
Alexander NicholsUCF BFlorida Tech A13810
Tiffany ZhouUF BUF E13810
Audrey SwingleUF FUF A1380