
This composer rewrote the Gloria of one mass after reusing the melody of a contredanse from the final love duet of an earlier similarly-titled oratorio. A dark trumpet fanfare introduces the Kyrie (“KEE-ree-ay”) of a mass by this composer titled for “troubled times.” (10[1])A soft pizzicato note in one of this composer’s oratorios precedes a fortissimo C (10[1])major chord on the word “light.” (-5[1])In a bass (10[1]-5[1])aria, this composer used a piccolo to depict a plowman whistling by quoting a melody from one of his symphonies consisting of the eighth notes [read slowly] (10[1])“C, C, (10[1])E, E, G, G, (10[1])long E.” This composer of the oratorios The Seasons and The Creation wrote many masses while he was the Kapellmeister for the Esterházy family. For 10 points, name this “father of the string quartet” who also wrote the “Farewell” (-5[1])and “Surprise” (10[2]0[1])symphonies. ■END■

ANSWER: Franz Joseph Haydn
<Classical Music>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Max BrodskyUIUC AWashU D4110
Jeremy CummingsWashU BMiami5510
Arthur GaydenUChicago AUChicago C61-5
Eric YangPurdue AUChicago D6410
Conner YamnitzWashU CPurdue C64-5
Arjun KalaUIUC BSIUE A9110
Ishaan SinghPurdue BUIUC C9310
Alvin GuoUChicago CUChicago A9710
Nermeen RahmanIndiana BPurdue D136-5
Davis JohnsonPurdue DIndiana B1380
Ethan MaUIUC DNotre Dame13810
Sophia MadrazoPurdue CWashU C13810