
PSD4/RPN-10 binds to this protein by expressing the LALAL (“L-A-L-A-L”) motif. This protein’s activity can be promoted by incorporating the DCAF (“decaf”) receptor into a “molecular glue” for recruitment of the CUL4-DDB1 (10[1])(“cull-four D-D-B-one”) complex. This protein’s ability to bind to a substrate is enhanced by a complex composed of Skp1, (10[1])Cullin, and F-box subunits. Proximity-promoted addition of this protein to other (10[1])molecules can be facilitated by PROTACs. About 4 (10[1])monomers of protein must be attached by lysine linkages before its primary function is carried out. A series of 3 ligases add this protein to other proteins to mark them for degradation in the 26S proteasome. For 10 points, (10[1])name this 76-amino acid “molecular kiss of death” whose name derives from its expression in nearly all (10[1])eukaryotic cells. ■END■ (10[2])

ANSWER: ubiquitin [or ubiquitination; or Ub; accept ubiquitin ligases]
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Oscar DespardCambridge ACambridge B2910
Enoch YuenImperial AEdinburgh4610
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Sam MooreDurham AImperial B6510
Jacob RobertsonOxford AWarwick10410
Alexander BakerOxford BDurham B12110
Linus LuuCambridge COxford C12410
Andrew FisherSheffieldKCL12410