
The concurrence is an example of a class of functions that quantify this property, its namesake “monotones.” The bond dimension quantifies the extent of this property in tensor networks, (15[1])such as the 1D MPS and higher-dimensional P·E·P·S. Area laws state that the “entropy” of this property grows with the size of the boundary between subsystems. States have this property if they cannot be decomposed as a sum of (*) product (10[1])states. (10[1])Applying (10[1])a (10[1])Hadamard gate (10[1])followed by a C·NOT gate produces a pair of qubits (10[1])(“Q-bits”) with this property (10[3])called a Bell state. This (10[1])property (10[1])appears to allow (10[1])information to travel faster (10[1])than light (10[1])in the EPR (10[1])paradox. For 10 points, name this property possessed by two quantum states that cannot be described independently, which Einstein called “spooky action at a distance.” ■END■

ANSWER: entanglement [or word forms like entangled; accept entanglement entropy; prompt on correlated or correlation]
<VD, Physics>
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Kevin YeBerkeley CStanford A2815
Ezra SantosChicago BIllinois A6810
Sky LiToronto Ray Of Sun In The SkyOttawa A6910
Richard NiuCornell RRIT7010
John MarvinChicago AIllinois B7110
Stan MelkumianPurdue AIndiana7310
Ian ChowMcDouble West CarletonOttawa B8310
Shahar SchwartzBerkeley ABerkeley B8610
Anderson WangI will play anything with a buzzer in front of meAuxiliary Lofthouse Cookie University8610
Darryl WangSyracuse+RochesterCornell MATLAB8610
Gabe ForrestSquidward Community CollegeMissouri B9110
Cyrus ZhouWUSTL H2OMissouri A9210
Aidan FeinVanderbiltPurdue B9510
Michael DuWaterlooOttawa C9910
Logan MathisSIUEWUSTL XYZ10110
Stephen HeritageNotre Dame ANotre Dame B10410