2023 ACF Nationals

Round 19: Cornell A vs. Georgia Tech A

Cornell A


Nathan Zhang1010
Geoffrey Chen2115
Raymond Wang3030
Jonathan Tran3125
9 bonuses for 130 points (14.44 PPB)

Georgia Tech A


Arya Karthik120
Matt Bollinger6060
Hari Parameswaran4135
Alex Li000
11 bonuses for 200 points (18.18 PPB)

Nathan ZhangGeoffrey ChenRaymond WangJonathan TranBonusesTotalTUArya KarthikMatt BollingerHari ParameswaranAlex LiBonusesTotal
10 65100103010
10 8700105020
-5 7345310 1571001030
45410 1140101060
10 136101010855-5 9955
10 9801010115655
10 71000125755
125810 991001085
125910 771000105
1251010 7910100135
1251110 1160010155
10 641010015512155
1551310 910100175
1551410 12801010205
1551510 10810100235
1551610 10801010265
10 69001017517265
10 141010019518-5 58260
-5 711901910 150101010300
10 91100021020-5 82295
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text