
Note to players: The answer is a region that encompasses multiple countries. You may give the name of the general region or any of the individual countries.Live music in this region often employs someone to shout over the sebene (“seh-beh-neh”), which is a lengthy instrumental bridge. A band from this region used lead, rhythm, and a third mi-solo guitar on a song about the gigolo Mario. A 1977 album titled for the “heart” of a band named for this region was produced by reggae pioneer Lee “Scratch” Perry. The founder of the band La Viva Musica, Papa Wemba, was one of this region’s well-dressed sapeurs (10[1])(“SAH-pourz”). Vampire Weekend used a dance (10[1])rhythm from this region on their song “Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa.” Tabu Ley and Dr. Nico pioneered a genre from this region that was later popularized by electric guitarist and TPOK Jazz frontman Franco. This region’s soukous music is often sung in Lingala. Cuban son (“sohn”) music influenced dance music that became this African region’s rumba. For 10 points, name this region home to a president who is praised in the song “Candidat Na Biso Mobutu.” ■END■

ANSWER: the Congo [accept Democratic Republic of the Congo, the DRC, or Republic of Zaire, or Congo-Kinshasa; accept Republic of the Congo or ROC or Congo-Brazzaville; accept Congo River Basin; accept The Congos; accept Heart of the Congos; prompt on Central Africa until “African” is read; reject “Central African Republic” or “CAR”]
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Benjamin McAvoy-BickfordPenn AWUSTL B10310
Hari ParameswaranGeorgia Tech ACornell A10810


2023 ACF Nationals04/22/2023Y2100%0%0%105.50