
A pioneer in this field who coined the acronym MIDVAS, which includes “motivation” and “desensitization,” was named Charles Van Riper. A set of five tools used in this field the Rabbit Buddy, the Seal Buddy, the Shark Buddy, the Cheetah Buddy, and the Lion Buddy is based on the principle of tactile feedback. In this field, effortful closure techniques are often used to treat the neurological condition dysarthria (“diss-ARTH-ree-uh”). It’s not a branch of psychology, but Wendell Johnson ran a 1939 study in this field that controversially (10[1])involved belittling some of the subjects, which is known as the Monster Study. Anomia (“uh-NOH-mee-uh”) is among the conditions dealt with in this field, whose practitioners often treat patients after strokes, (10[1])tracheostomies (“tray-kee-OSS-tuh-meez”), and laryngectomies (“lair-in-JECK-tuh-meez”). For 10 points, name this discipline that aims to treat conditions such as stuttering. ■END■

ANSWER: speech-language pathology [or speech and language pathology, SLP, speech and language therapy, or speech and hearing; accept speech correction; accept treatment of communication disorders; accept treatment of speech and language disorders; until “stuttering” is read, prompt on stuttering treatment or stuttering correction by asking “what broader field is that part of?”]
<Social Science>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Geoffrey ChenCornell AGeorgia Tech A8710
Benjamin McAvoy-BickfordPenn AWUSTL B11710


2023 ACF Nationals04/22/2023Y2100%0%0%102.00