A pioneer in this field who coined the acronym MIDVAS, which includes “motivation” and “desensitization,” was named Charles Van Riper. A set of five tools used in this field — the Rabbit Buddy, the Seal Buddy, the Shark Buddy, the Cheetah Buddy, and the Lion Buddy — is based on the principle of tactile feedback. In this field, effortful closure techniques are often used to treat the neurological condition dysarthria (“diss-ARTH-ree-uh”). It’s not a branch of psychology, but Wendell Johnson ran a 1939 study in this field that controversially involved belittling some of the subjects, which is known as the Monster Study. Anomia (“uh-NOH-mee-uh”) is among the conditions dealt with in this field, whose practitioners often treat patients after strokes, tracheostomies (“tray-kee-OSS-tuh-meez”), and laryngectomies (“lair-in-JECK-tuh-meez”). For 10 points, name this discipline that aims to treat conditions such as stuttering. ■END■
Player | Team | Opponent | Buzz Position | Value |
Geoffrey Chen | Cornell A | Georgia Tech A | 87 | 10 |
Benjamin McAvoy-Bickford | Penn A | WUSTL B | 117 | 10 |