
In 2019, a unique point-based system in which these people could purchase their salary was introduced under Laurent Pietraszewski (“lor-AWN pee-ay-trah-SHEV-skee”). These people are supported by FRR investments administered through the ASPA (“A-S-P-A”). Protesters against policies affecting these people blocked petrol deliveries on Black Thursday and barricaded Europe’s largest trash incinerator. Ballerinas performed Swan Lake to oppose policies affecting these people that, after gas prices, preceded the [emphasize] second phase of the yellow vest movement. A bill affecting these people was opposed by Les Républicains (“lay ray-poob-lee-CAWN”) and was intended to stabilize a “pay-as-you-go” system (10[1])with a high replacement rate. The bill affecting these people (-5[1])was pushed through by Article 49.3 (“49-3”) in March 2023. For 10 points, Élisabeth Borne has survived two non-confidence votes emerging from a bill affecting what people in France, which may soon exclude those younger than 65? ■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: French retirees [accept pensioners; accept descriptions of people who are retired or people who are receiving a pension; prompt on the elderly or old people or equivalents; prompt on French people or français until “France” is read; prompt on workers, laborers, employees, or equivalents]
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= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Benjamin McAvoy-BickfordPenn AWUSTL B8910
Arya KarthikGeorgia Tech ACornell A99-5
Jonathan TranCornell AGeorgia Tech A13610


2023 ACF Nationals04/22/2023Y2100%0%50%112.50