2023 ACF Nationals

Round 18: Columbia A vs. Harvard A

Columbia A


Noah Sheidlower000
John John Groger3030
Geoffrey Wu3030
Elijah Scheinson2115
8 bonuses for 120 points (15 PPB)

Harvard A


Cole Timmerwilke3030
Mazin Omer5145
Arjun Nageswaran3220
Jeffrey Fung000
11 bonuses for 160 points (14.55 PPB)

Noah SheidlowerJohn John GrogerGeoffrey WuElijah ScheinsonBonusesTotalTUCole TimmerwilkeMazin OmerArjun NageswaranJeffrey FungBonusesTotal
10 9801002010
-5 3715210 1481001030
15310 161010050
10 14210101055550
55610 123001070
55710 12410010100
10 14610100858-5 10695
10 1080100105995
10 126010101351095
1351110 1130100115
1351210 1450010135
10 134100015513-5 101130
1551410 13110010160
1551510 1200100180
1551610 11001010210
1551710 1291000230
10 13800016518-5 87225
1651910 9701010255
10 1411001019520255
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text