
The line-interactive type of these devices regulates utility voltage before the voltage passes through any equipment. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name these devices that protect against power interruption to allow for graceful shutdown or for operation to continue until a generator comes online.
ANSWER: UPSs [or uninterruptible power supply or uninterruptible power supplies or uninterruptible power sources; prompt on power supply or power supplies or power sources]
[10e] Line-interactive UPSs use one of these components equipped with a tap changer. These components use paired windings to adjust the voltage of alternating current.
ANSWER: transformers
[10h] Line-interactive UPSs always have one of these components connected, though sometimes in reverse. The three-phase type of these components can be built using a full bridge configuration containing three pairs of switches, with one switch in each pair conducting for 180 degrees at a time.
ANSWER: inverters [or power inverters]

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WUSTL ABrown A010010
Duke AChicago B1010020
Columbia BRutgers B1010020
Stanford ACornell A010010
Cornell BToronto A010010
Yale AFlorida A010010
Florida BJohns Hopkins A010010
Michigan AHouston A1010020
Iowa State AClaremont A010010
Minnesota AMIT A010010
Maryland AGeorgia Tech A0000
Minnesota BPurdue A0000
Imperial ANYU A010010
North Carolina AChicago C010010
UC Berkeley ANorthwestern A0000
McGill ASouth Carolina A010010
Indiana ATexas A010010
UC Berkeley BVanderbilt A010010
Virginia APenn State A010010
Rutgers AWUSTL B010010
Yale BGeorgia Tech B010010
Chicago AOhio State A010010
Columbia AHarvard A010010
Illinois APenn A010010