
This poetry collection titles both a song cycle and an orchestral rhapsody by George Butterworth. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this collection of poetry, parts of which were also set by Arthur Somervell and Ivor Gurney. A piano and string quartet accompany a song cycle from this collection titled On Wenlock Edge.
ANSWER: A Shropshire Lad
[10e] A.E. Housman denounced this composer’s song cycle On Wenlock Edge after it left out several verses of one of his poems. This composer also wrote the London and Sea symphonies.
ANSWER: Ralph Vaughan Williams [prompt on Williams]
[10h] This other English composer set Thomas Hardy poems in his song cycles Earth and Air and Rain and By Footpath and Stile.
ANSWER: Gerald Finzi [or Gerald Raphael Finzi]
<Classical Music>

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Brown AWUSTL A010010
Chicago BDuke A1010020
Columbia BRutgers B010010
Cornell AStanford A10101030
Toronto ACornell B0101020
Yale AFlorida A010010
Johns Hopkins AFlorida B1010020
Michigan AHouston A0000
Iowa State AClaremont A100010
MIT AMinnesota A1010020
Georgia Tech AMaryland A1010020
Purdue AMinnesota B1010020
Imperial ANYU A010010
North Carolina AChicago C1010020
UC Berkeley ANorthwestern A1010020
South Carolina AMcGill A1010020
Texas AIndiana A0101020
Vanderbilt AUC Berkeley B1010020
Virginia APenn State A010010
WUSTL BRutgers A010010
Yale BGeorgia Tech B1010020
Chicago AOhio State A1010020
Columbia AHarvard A010010
Penn AIllinois A010010