2023 ACF Nationals

Round 18: Georgia Tech B vs. Yale B

Yale B


Matthew Siff235
William Orr120
Alan Xie2210
Frederick Rivas-Giorgi115
6 bonuses for 100 points (16.67 PPB)

Georgia Tech B


S. A. Shenoy3315
Raymond Jiang000
Tegan Kapadia7070
Sanjay Srihari000
10 bonuses for 160 points (16 PPB)

Matthew SiffWilliam OrrAlan XieFrederick Rivas-GiorgiBonusesTotalTUS. A. ShenoyRaymond JiangTegan KapadiaSanjay SrihariBonusesTotal
10 106101003010
-5 11625210 1481001030
-5 11720310 149010050
-5 941540 14750
-5 1421050 15350
10 12310101050650
50710 1041010080
50810 10810010110
50910 7310100140
10 12601007010140
-5 115651110 1540100160
0 14765120 147160
10 13401008513-5 101155
10 870101011514155
-5 881101510 14810100185
-5 871051610 12310010215
0 13910517-5 57210
10 144010012518-5 80205
1251910 1220100225
-5 1071202010 1551000245
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text