2023 ACF Nationals

Round 18: Cornell B vs. Toronto A

Cornell B


Sarod Nori1010
Dan Ni2210
Rosa Xia2020
Richard Niu2115
7 bonuses for 80 points (11.43 PPB)

Toronto A


Gareth Thorlakson4135
Sky Li5145
Raymond Chen115
Ian Chow3030
13 bonuses for 220 points (16.92 PPB)

Sarod NoriDan NiRosa XiaRichard NiuBonusesTotalTUGareth ThorlaksonSky LiRaymond ChenIan ChowBonusesTotal
-5 54-5110 1340101030
-5210 127100050
10 161010015350
15410 1470101080
10 129100035580
35610 13310010110
10 1600100557-5 104105
10 1470100758-5 134100
75910 1080100120
751010 1430100140
751110 6201010170
751210 110101010210
10 10100109513210
10 1171010012514210
1251510 1230100230
-5 471201610 12710100260
1201710 12810100290
-5 1061151810 14401010320
10 139100013519-5 59315
1352010 1280010335
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text