2023 ACF Nationals

Round 18: Chicago B vs. Duke A

Chicago B


Vivek Sasse1010
John Marvin120
Amogh Kulkarni3220
Daniel Yang2115
7 bonuses for 130 points (18.57 PPB)

Duke A


Jacob Egol5145
Ashish Subramanian2115
Jerry Lin3030
Simon Gorbaty01-5
10 bonuses for 150 points (15 PPB)

Vivek SasseJohn MarvinAmogh KulkarniDaniel YangBonusesTotalTUJacob EgolAshish SubramanianJerry LinSimon GorbatyBonusesTotal
10 61101003010
10 14810005020 1480
50310 1611010030
0 147504-5 8825
-5 8645510 15310101065
-5 11140610 137100085
10 1161001070785
70810 1270100105
70910 6110100135
701010 1340100155
-5 127651110 1540100175
-5 123601210 1470010195
10 13410101010013-5 114190
0 131100140 131190
1001510 10310010220
10 77010012016220
0 139120170 139220
10 980101015018220
-5 1141451910 1391000240
10 1551010017520-5 74235
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text