2023 ACF Nationals

Round 17: Duke A vs. Stanford A

Stanford A


Natan Holtzman2020
Eric Wolfsberg3030
Tim Morrison6250
Andrew Zeng1010
12 bonuses for 220 points (18.33 PPB)

Duke A


Jacob Egol1010
Ashish Subramanian3030
Jerry Lin000
Simon Gorbaty1010
5 bonuses for 70 points (14 PPB)

Natan HoltzmanEric WolfsbergTim MorrisonAndrew ZengBonusesTotalTUJacob EgolAshish SubramanianJerry LinSimon GorbatyBonusesTotal
10 11201002010
10 6100104020
10 671010108030
10 1170101011040
10 451001014050
140610 1021010030
10 1160010160730
0 15416080 15430
10 10510010190930
10 91100102201030
10 118100102501130
10 109101002801230
2801310 1151010060
2801410 136100080
10 81101003101580
10 36010103401680
3401710 710010100
3401810 910010120
-5 138335190 154120
-5 138330200 146120
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text