
In support of this cause, a fisherman known as “Sea Dragon” led a strike of jangada (“jun-GAH-duh”) pilots. A lawyer who championed this cause mythologized his mother, Luisa Mahin (“mah-EEN”), as a leader of a movement whose white-robed participants wore leather amulets containing religious scrolls. Unenforced laws are still colloquially said to be “for the English to see” because a law enacted (10[1])as part of this cause went unheeded until the passage of the Aberdeen Act. After this cause succeeded, many elites adopted the ideology of branqueamento (10[1])(“brun-kee-ah-MEN-too”) and formed societies to promote German and Italian immigration. Luiz Gama and Joaquim Nabuco were leaders of this cause, which was officially accomplished with an 18-word (-5[1])act signed by Princess Isabel (10[9])that (10[1])built (10[1])on earlier efforts (10[1])like the Sexegarian Law (10[1]-5[1])and the (10[1])Law (10[1])of the Free Womb. (10[3]-5[1])For 10 points, name this cause that was achieved with the passage (10[1])of the Golden Law. ■END■ (10[3])

ANSWER: abolition of slavery in Brazil [or Brazilian anti-slavery movement; or ending slavery in Brazil; or equivalent descriptions, such as emancipation of slaves in Brazil or manumission of Brazilian slaves; accept descriptions of ending the slave trade to Brazil; prompt on abolition of slavery, anti-slavery, manumission, emancipation, or equivalents by asking “in what country?”] (The first sentence refers to Francisco José do Nascimento, or “Dragão do Mar.” Luiz Gama wrote about Luisa Mahin’s participation in the Malê revolt.)
<World History>
= Average correct buzz position

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2023 ACF Nationals04/22/2023Y24100%0%13%120.33


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Claire JonesChicago AGeorgia Tech A5910
Jonathan TranCornell AWUSTL A8410
Gideon KpurubuVanderbilt AMichigan A110-5
Ashish SubramanianDuke AStanford A11510
Aiden DartleyRutgers AIllinois A11510
Alex PijanowskiPurdue AImperial A11510
Mateo Javier AcostaFlorida BNYU A11510
Joel MilesMinnesota ANorth Carolina A11510
Yared TadesseCornell BTexas A11510
Frederick Rivas-GiorgiYale BIowa State A11510
Christopher SimsNorthwestern AChicago C11510
Isak JatoiSouth Carolina AWUSTL B11510
Lexi TermanRutgers BMinnesota B11610
Ricky LiMIT AHarvard A11710
Zane KierzykIndiana AColumbia A12010
Ian ChowToronto AUC Berkeley A12410
Tracy MirkinFlorida AOhio State A124-5
Vivek SasseChicago BMaryland A12610
Kevin FanMcGill AGeorgia Tech B12710
Vaishali SivaJohns Hopkins AHouston A13110
Daniel MaYale ABrown A131-5
Alana DickeyVirginia APenn A13110
Dean Ah NowClaremont APenn State A13110
Todd MaslykMichigan AVanderbilt A14310
Chris RayOhio State AFlorida A14810
Walter ZhangBrown AYale A14810
Albert ZhangColumbia BUC Berkeley B14810