
In her youth, this author trained to be an actress, which inspired her use of the name of an Ibsen character as a pseudonym. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this author who wrote a nearly 1,200-page travel book detailing her 1937 trip to Yugoslavia, called Black Lamb and Grey Falcon.
ANSWER: Dame Rebecca West [or Dame Cicily Isabel Fairfield]
[10e] Despite calling him “the Old Maid of novelists” in a review of his novel Marriage, West later had a torrid affair with this author of The War of the Worlds.
ANSWER: H. G. Wells [or Herbert George Wells]
[10h] West’s book The Strange Necessity concludes that “though [this novel] is ugly and incompetent, it is a work of art.” Virginia Woolf called this book a novel “of the utmost sincerity” whose author understands that “life is not a series of gig lamps symmetrically arranged.”
ANSWER: Ulysses (by James Joyce)
<British Literature>

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