2023 ACF Nationals

Round 17: Imperial A vs. Purdue A

Purdue A


Ben Dahl1010
Quynh Phung01-5
Alex Pijanowski4135
Matt Schiavone3030
8 bonuses for 140 points (17.5 PPB)

Imperial A


Enoch Yuen115
Michael Mays5145
Rahim Dina1010
Carlos Doebeli115
8 bonuses for 80 points (10 PPB)

Ben DahlQuynh PhungAlex PijanowskiMatt SchiavoneBonusesTotalTUEnoch YuenMichael MaysRahim DinaCarlos DoebeliBonusesTotal
0110 128010020
0210 149001040
-5 17-530 12940
-5410 149100060
-5510 92010080
-5610 990010100
-5710 1240100120
10 123101010358120
-5 13330910 1411000140
10 10610005010140
10 120100108011140
10 1151010011013140
0 16111014-5 145135
1101510 1341000155
10 1201010014016155
10 107010016017155
10 1280101019018-5 100150
10 154001021019150
0 14621020-5 140145
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text